Don’t Waste Money on Summer Cooling Bills

Summertime should be for fun in the sun, road trips, and lazy weekend barbecues with family and friends. At the end of the day, though, coming inside to a comfortable home shouldn’t have to cost a fortune. Summer cooling bills are awfully high, especially in the Southern states, but there are some things you can do to reduce the cost. Here are a few short- and long-term ideas!

Short-term: Have your air ducts cleaned.

Dirty ducts make your air conditioning unit work harder, as it tries to blow cool air past the blockages. This uses more energy, and costs you more. Have a professional com out and clean your ducts. Also, replace your air filters when they begin to look dirty.

Short-term: Have your roof painted.

It might not be everyone’s first choice when it comes to energy conservation, but it is fairly quick and easy. Having your roof painted white or off-white will help it deflect the sun’s heating rays, leaving your home cooler as a result. It takes some of the cooling burden off of your AC unit without using any energy at all.

Short-term: Get Energy Star appliances.

You have probably seen the Energy Star sticker on various items at the hardware store. It signifies appliances and building materials that are approved by the EPA for their energy conservation. Many air conditioning units are Energy Star-rated.

Long-term: Plant trees and get better roofing.

The more protection your home has from the sun, the better. Plant trees near your home that will provide shade in years to come. Ask a local nursery about fast-growing trees that are native to your area. Also, check with a roofer to make sure your roof has the best possible insulation. You might even benefit from a weatherproof layer that keeps the coolness in and the heat out.

Give us a call today, and we will be happy to answer any questions you have about reducing your summer energy bill!