Heating and Air Conditioning in Macon, GA


Some parts of our home we just tend to take for granted. We don’t know exactly what they do, and…

With Thanksgiving behind us and more festivities still ahead, now is the perfect time to get your home ready for…

Lots of contractor scammers come out of the woodwork following severe weather events. These dishonest people want to make a…

Summertime should be for fun in the sun, road trips, and lazy weekend barbecues with family and friends. At the…

We are no strangers to humidity in the Macon area. And now that summer is here, you’re probably all to…

Although summer is winding down, it’s not quite time to turn off your AC. Being in Georgia, we know that…

Winter is coming just around the corner. Most of us in Macon, GA is starting to think about those colder…

With winter upon us, you may think that the time for being environmentally friendly and energy efficient has passed. After…

Home heating during the winter can be seen as a huge energy suck, raising your electric bill to exponential heights. When…

Everyone in your home pays attention to the thermostat. Your spouse is too warm, your kids are whining about being…

Not many homeowners regularly think about the air filters in their homes. However, proper filter maintenance is essential for the…

Don’t worry if your A/C malfunctions in the heat of summer. Emergency air conditioner repairs can be performed quickly, to…

If you want quality service and professionalism call us today at (478) 781-9107.